Monday, 26 December 2011

The majority of people who click on this blog link will read it and make a donation.

Boxing Day 2011.  The day after the big one, Christmas Day.  A day in which the average person (us) eats approximately 6000 calories, nearly three times our daily intake.  You may be sitting around the telly with friends and family eating the 'new' tin of Quality Street.

The 'old' tin having been finished off this morning just after breakfast.

Perhaps you are starting to think of New Year resolutions such as stopping smoking (you will stop), getting fit or perhaps to give more to great causes.  Read on.  I may have the solution.  One which only requires you having access to the internet and a debit/credit card.  In brief, I plan to race (or at least complete) 40 different races in 2012 whilst asking many of you to support the Northern Ireland Cancer Fund for Children and their great work.

The first step is to check out their fantastic work at  Secondly please sponsor any amount you can during the year long challenge.

What will I do?

I pledge that every penny received in sponsorship goes directly to the NICFC.  In fact by using Virgin Giving this happens automatically.

All of my race entries, travel costs etc will be paid from my own pocket.  The fee for any race entries donated generously by sponsors 26Extreme ( will also be donated to NICFC.

After each race (or when I recover sufficiently) I will post an update on this blog detailing the highs and lows of the journey.  The first event will be

Finally a quick word of thanks to Mrs F for giving me both the idea and the green light to take up the challenge.